Perspective (2019)

As we embark upon another New Year with hopes and dreams and goals and gratitude, I would like to share a different perspective and instead give thanks for all the things I do NOT have.

Marital Problems.   My husband and I will have created & shared a beautiful life together for ten years this coming November. Naturally we bicker and disagree on things, but our foundational promise to each other in the early days of knowing one another was that we’d never go to bed angry, and always remember to respect each other. We are a Team and nothing can come between us.

screen shot 2019-01-05 at 8.59.37 amHealth Issues.   Throughout the course of our lifetime it is so important to acknowledge and recognize how fortunate we are in the meat-suits we live in. Self-care is mandatory, however sometimes nature overrides our physical and mental states. In 2004, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cervical cancer. After numerous treatments over the consecutive years, I was proclaimed cancer-free in 2009. Though cancer-free, the following years provided me with various other reproductive challenges: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and non-cancerous tumours – all manageable (& monitored annually). Sure, I still get the occasional cold/flu, suffer from dysmenorrhea, am physically allergic to gluten, and feel under the weather mentally from time to time but underlying it all I am blessed with a healthy, active, and functioning body every day.

Work Strife.   My employment journey has taken me on a truly diverse path including (but not limited to) Dollar Store cashier, Produce clerk, Retail manager, landscaping, radio station DJ, social media Marketing, Copy Editor, communications & web development, and more. All of which have led me to my current position (Coordinator, Supply Chain & Evaluation) that I absolutely adore. Each day is different from the next, I am constantly challenged, there are always new things to learn, and the work that I do greatly impacts the lives of others. It’s a win-win opportunity!

Financial Woes.   If ever I were to win the lottery, the most I would want is one million dollars; anything more is ridiculous (and anything less would be greatly appreciated). Until this day, I will continue to thrive as a financial enthusiast working with our own budget. Numbers and maths excite me and I take great pleasure from creating achievable financial plans and completing them. We have two working strategies that have proven successful: pooling a defined amount per pay for common expenses (mortgage, bills, groceries), and secondly, completing one major project at a time (rule: each project must be fully paid off before launching into something new). Using these methods we are still able to save for retirement, go out at will (movies, dinner, concerts), and travel the world.

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Simply, joy.



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