Igniting that Holiday Spark

December hit fast’n furious this year.

Last week (mid-December) a colleague and I were noting the lack of holiday cheer throughout our office and, well, our entire floor. She suggested coming in when no one was around and decorating the whole floor as a surprise.

foodOn Friday morning, our department was treated to a beautiful breakfast celebration put on by the Social Committee. It was lovely! We were greeted by staff dressed as elves, received with genuine smiles, served candy canes, and brought together in a simple, yet festive, decorated hall.

After eating, I decided to pull out a few boxes of decorations from our storage closet. I was amazed at how much there was!

office-christmas-door-decorations-images-ak22As I began to modestly decorate office doors, bosses & colleagues trickled back from breakfast – their faces lit up as they saw the holiday decorations.

It wasn’t long before each and every co-worker participated in some way to help make the floor more festive. Some helped hang ornaments from the ceiling, others set up & decorated the tree, while some preferred to simply don elf and Santa hats whilst working at their desks.

It was most fulfilling and inspiring to witness the ignition of festive cheer spread and lift the spirits of my colleagues.

It doesn’t matter how old we are – it’s essential that we never stop spreading joy, nor cultivating the spirit within each of us to flourish and thrive.


Simply, joy.

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